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Find out how your business can benefit from working with West Berkshire Family Life 🩵
West Berkshire Family Life is an online magazine and a valuable resource dedicated to providing support, guidance and information for families in Berkshire.
We can provide businesses (at both local and national level) with an excellent opportunity to get messages, products and services in front of a growing, key, target audience. Our readers are hungry for knowledge, ready to spend and always happy to be the first to know about a great deal on their doorstep!
We provide a range of advertising & marketing services including:
- Editorial Content
- Event Promotion
- Newsletters
- Sponsorship Opportunities
- Social Media & Content Creation
- Display Advertising
- Our unique Membership Card which provides businesses with the opportunity to reach & engage with over 7000 members!
To find out more about our advertising and tailored sponsorship opportunities available, please get in touch with us at:

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”You do an incredible job and we are so happy
to have WBFL as part of our lives.”
Local Business Partner
“I relied on [WBFL] so much when I had my young
baby to find out about clubs and child-friendly
places in the area. Always use it now to take
advantage of the discounts too!”
Local Parent